Friday, April 1, 2011

The Roots

OK. So, I suppose you wonder, how did an EFL instructor end up attempting to learn Japanese and soon (hopefully?) Chinese as an adult?

Good question.

Let me brainstorm for a moment...
Could it be because...
  • My Father lived in Japan and he taught me some Japanese words?
  • I spent hours glued to my Father's home movies of his travels?
  • A close friend in high school was from Kyoto?
  • I now have a Japanese relation through marriage?
  • My husband is a Japanofile?
  • I come from a graphic design background and I love minimal asthetics?
  • I dig Buddhism and Shinto?
  • I played with Hello Kitty too much as a child?
  • All of the above?

I taught many English lessons to representatives from the Japanese Ministry of Education a few years back. I started to pick up Hiragana and my students would leave cute post-it notes on my desk quizzing my knowledge. Unfortunately I put my studies aside due to a few moves and sadly I've become cut off from Japanese culture living in Chicago.

The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake got me thinking that life is short and Japan is beautiful, so I have decided once and for all to learn Japanese.

I've been glued to my Mac listening to Yokosonews every day since the tragedy. Katz, the host, tells all of us not to send money (except to the Japan Red Cross if we insist) but instead come to Japan and spend our money when things calm down.

He's right. The best way we can support Japan is to show solidarity and this also includes honoring the very beautiful culture of a very beautiful group of people.

So I'm going to learn Japanese, because I think it is the greatest offering I can give to the Japanese people.

Oh, and free English lessons when I come and visit you all (summer? fall? next winter?) :D

So in honor of Japan...
let's begin!

This post is dedicated to everyone in Japan who is enduring the unendurable.

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